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About Me

Me, in a Nutshell

Hi! My name is Dario Garcia and I am a current Senior at the University of Colorado at Boulder. I am pursuing my Bachelors in  Mechanical Engineering.

I come from a family with a strong set of values relating to hard work, respect, and determination. My family worked very hard to provide me the opportunity to be something more. Being an only child, my family put all of their stock in me. I am proud to be the first person in my family to go to college, and I am more proud to represent my family as I continue throughout my higher education. 

When it comes to my passions, I am very passionate about design, space, and giving back to our communities.

When I am not studying, you can find me either with my family, or with my friends, somewhere outdoors, or enjoying a movie or new music. 

Thank you for taking the time to visit my portfolio! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

I am a massive football fan and have been rooting for the Broncos since I can remember. When I'm not working on homework or projects, you can find me glued to the TV on Football Sundays. 


Fun fact about me! I have Alopecia Totalis. It's an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss. I've had it most of my life and it has shaped who I have become. 

It's also a reason why you may see me wearing my hat often in photos! 

Although it's a part of who I am, it does not define me.


I strongly believe that in order to become our best selves, we have to venture out beyond education and our comfort zones. I do this by being active! It can be hitting the gym, or going for a hike. Whenever I'm doing something active with friends, family, or myself, I'm able to reflect and grow more!

I've recently also started a fitness page on instagram! My hope there is to not only showcase my personal progress, but to hopefully inspire others on their own respective fitness journeys. 

Click here to check it out! 

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