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Outside of my education I still try to be involved!

In my life, I have been assisted and supported every step of the way. For that, I am very grateful and humbled. I believe that it is my duty to show my appreciation and respect to those who have given me a chance by giving back to them in all the ways that I can. Below, are some some of the organizations I'm involved in and or work with. 

Dr. Sujeet Bhat and I at CU Boulder's Marinus Smith Awards

Miramontes Arts and Sciences Program

I was very fortunate that in my senior year of high school I was accepted into the Program for Excellence in Academics and Community, PEAC for short. PEAC is a summer bridge program at CU designed to grant first gen/minority students an early college experience, and most importantly, a sense of community. Once I completed the program, and had fun along the way, I was then admitted into their official CU program: MASP. Within MASP I have felt a strong sense of community with fellow first gen/minority students. I am supported by incredible advisors and mentors who allow me to better myself. Since joining, I have been seeking a larger roll within the program. I have represented MASP/PEAC at outreach events/student tour days. I have also given speeches regarding my academic and career endeavors on behalf of MASP. I am very grateful for all that MASP has done for me and continuously look to take on a larger roll within the program. 

Click the image above to learn more about MASP/PEAC!

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE/MAES)

I have always been looking for a deeper sense of community among my own culture and I have found that in SHPE! 


I'm very grateful to have been sponsored to attend this past year's SHPE National Convention! Although virtual, it was very excited to network and meet the other amazing Hispanic engineering students and professionals out there.

I am very fortunate to have had this opportunity, and to have gained knowledge that is shaping who I am as I move forward in life. 

Community Service

For the past 8 years I have been continuously volunteering in numerous ways, with many organizations as well as my own independent endeavors. 

In high school I was the President of the Interact Club (associated with Rotary International), and during my tenure, we completed 400+ hours of community service. We called bingo, organized food and clothing drives, organized toy drives, did landscaping and so much more. 

I also have volunteered with Greeley Centennial Rotary Chapter to help feed those in need, and to help manage a charity art show. 

Individually, I have done numerous different volunteering endeavors. I have tutored children in literacy and mathematics, I have helped local churches with numerous activities for their members, and I have helped local business and continue to look for numerous ways to give back to my community! 

Most recently, I have been interviewed by my old school district as a part of their alumni series. The goal of this was to not only showcase district alumni, but to also inspire younger students to push further. 

In addition to this, I was also one of the keynote speakers for the Weld County Community Foundation scholarship reception. I gave a speech to congratulate and encourage recent high school graduates as they pursue a higher education. 

Links to these videos can be found below.

I have dedicated thousands of hours of my life to community service, and only plan on increasing that number exponentially. You never know how far a small act you do, can go. 

Click the image above to learn about one of my Volunteering Projects!

I am very grateful to have established a connection and partnership with the Greeley Centennial Rotary Chapter. 

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